Friday, January 26, 2018

Flashback Friday: Norwegianness Edition

A handy field guide to the wall o' Norwegianishness from my last Chicago apartment: 
Underneath my trio of Grant Wood spirit animals were the lovingly worn lefse stick hand-made by my great-grandfather, a rosemåled wooden bowl and spoon from The Land Of Norwegian Knickknacks I Stole From My Mother or Possibly My Grandmother, two Norwegian ceramic trivets from Vesterheim Norwegian-American Museum in Decorah, a traditional kitchen witch I cross-stitched at Skogfjorden Norwegian language camp when I was in junior high, and some random dime-store-clearance basket I cleverly repurposed to hide the ugly landline phone jack in the middle of my kitchen wall. 

Now everything is randomly stored in some random box in some random location of my storage locker. Which, of course, is cause for a resounding UFF DA.

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