Friday, November 21, 2008

The perfect storm

Sometimes my pre-workout shake gives me what we will euphemistically call a jumpy tummy. Like today.

Sometimes my trainer pushes me so hard I feel like I could hurl. Like today.

I’m a naturally warm person, and when the heat in my office is turned up too high I get sleepy. Like today.

And to top it off, I wore crew socks to the gym this morning. For some reason, I noticed that nobody else in the gym was wearing crew socks. So today I am a barfy, sleepy, iffy-tummied fashion disaster. And it’s not even 8:30 yet.

But tomorrow I’m putting up all our Christmas crap—Thanksgiving be damned!—and when you’re a barfy, sleepy, iffy-tummied fashion disaster, it helps to have something to live for.

Also! One of my co-workers showed up today with his shirt caught in his coat zipper, and so far six people haven’t been able to free him. So at least I’m not barfy, sleepy, iffy-tummied and stuck wearing a puffy coat all day at work. I may be a fashion disaster, but at least I have my dignity.

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