Thursday, January 06, 2005

New year. New look. Same old lack of talent.

The elitist snob in me I was getting tired of visiting other blogs that looked exactly like mine (I am a Boy of Destiny! My blog must be fancy!) so I changed my blogger template. (Please hold your applause. It makes it harder for you to click.)

And never one to do something simply when there's a complicated option out there, I also decided to tart up modify the template I chose using my vast array of superpowers rudimentary HTML skills.

So far, those skills include:
• changing the colors of stuff using this handy chart

Admittedly, my final product isn't as fancy as, say, this thing you might not want to click on at work. But where there used to be pansy-ass orange and teal words on my blog there are now masculine and huggable (but in a masculine way) red and blue words. With maching red boxes around stuff. (See? The carpet DOES match the curtains!)

But wait! There's more! I also have some fabulous ideas for making this blog even more compelling and impressive to behold! Unfortunately, short of visiting every one of you and decorating your computers with crayons and glitter stickers, I have no idea how to make those ideas spring to visual life. Yet.

If you keep coming back, though (and voting for me every day like clockwork), I promise to at least have more poop jokes and inappropriate links for you. Deal?


Jeffrey Ricker said...

Wow, I love it -- so spare and minimalist. It reminds me of... well, mine. Naturally, I think it looks perfect.

Susan said...

Do you have a search utility on here anywhere? I was looking for the post about folding fitted sheets so I could show someone and had to try and remember what month it was and browse though all the posts.

Jake said...

Not only do I not have a search utility, but I have absolutely no idea how to go about setting one up. Anyone have any ideas?

dantallion said...

Nice. Clean. Simple.

How goes the recovery?

Brechi said...

dragon penis......ouch

Bernard Bradshaw said...

Definitely an improvement. And it coincides on such a snow white Chicago day! I was snow-blinded by the brightness, both outdoors and on-screen. Hope the recovery is going well.

Bernard Bradshaw

Rick Aiello said...

Me likey. But on my computer, your sidebar was pushed all the way down to the bottom of your posts. Could be temporary... or could have been caused by the recent pics. In any case... as I already said, I likey. :)

Anonymous said...

I think you might have used a little too much lubrication.
Your profile and entire right-side margin appear for a moment then slide down to the bottom. I don't think you're the type who likes being on the bottom.

Danny in Dairyland said...

