Sunday, March 28, 2004


Probably my worst 8K time EVER. Fortunately, it wasn't because I'm a sluggish runner; the Shamrock Shuffle had an epic surplus of entrants, and the crowd never got spaced out enough for us to run at our usual pace. Josh, Katie and I spent the entire race dodging and weaving among the other runners, but we did have fun chatting and laughing and gawking at the veritable sea of bodies ahead of and behind us as far as we could see.

I got home in time to make a second 40-minute tech support call to TiVo -- the first one to figure out how to wire the damn thing into my surround sound, and the second because apparently I was too dumb to know what kind of cable package I had. Anyway, it's up and running and recording its first show as I type this. Stay tuned to see if it actually works.

Now I'm off to chorus rehearsal and then to Sidetrack to flirt with guys.

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