Sunday, June 09, 2019

It had never even remotely occurred me to even think about the possibility of having a gay President

And now.

And now.

And now. Here’s Pete Buttigieg—a happily, proudly, openly married gay man—not only running for the Democratic Presidential nomination, but consistently LEADING in the polls. And being so bulletproof-respectable that even his most cretinous opponents have instinctively known to keep their faggot insults choked deep in their rotting guts.
His rally today in my beloved hometown was more fire-up-the-followers than parse-the-policies, and his followers—gay and straight, young and old, single and grouped—clapped and cheered and celebrated everything he said.

I was standing by my mom at the rally. And I hugged her tight at one point. Because I was too choked up to do anything else.

And I was so, so happy about it.

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