Wednesday, December 03, 2003

The two best things about being sick: Nyquil and Vicks VapoRub. I've been chugging the former and slathering the latter for seven nights now, though, and it's starting to get old. I'm feeling definitely better, but I'm not all there just yet. And I have to be well by tomorrow; I have only one helping of Nyquil left, and I'll be damned if I have to buy another bottle of the stuff. 'Cause if I do, the cold wins.

And if living with the eterna-cold weren't bad enough, work has been crazy busy as well. I did manage to sneak away from the cubicle last night in time for an amazing Chanticleer Christmas concert with Matthew. If I were a groupie of any musical group, it would Chanticleer -- I think I've seen them in concert about 15 times now. And I have a secret plan involving them: Get transferred to our office in San Francisco (Chanticleer's home city), and once I'm all moved in without incurring any moving costs, quit my job and get hired to sing and tour with the best men's chorus in the world. How cool would that be?

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