Unfortunately it was in the ER.
Unfortunately it was because my dad’s COPD complications that landed him in the hospital last week got alarmingly bad enough yesterday that we rushed him back gasping for air.
Unfortunately he also has pneumonia this time.
Unfortunately they also found evidence of staph.
Unfortunately my mom is home with fevery, shaky flu symptoms so she can’t even visit him.
Fortunately though, my sister is able to take the day off to stay in the hospital with Dad.
Fortunately also, I’m able to take the day off to stay home with Mom.
So fortunately things are as under control as we can make them.
But unfortunately—and I’m trying to maintain my emotional composure here—the hot hot hot medical resident with the distractingly sexy forearms who first attended to Dad in the ER last night didn’t look at me with a flicker of either recognition or interest. On any the times he stopped in Dad’s room. ANY. OF. THEM. So our marriage is clearly over before we even scheduled a cake tasting.
So to lighten the mood, I’m posting something that the Internet gave me when I googled “funny sick cat photos.”

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