And yesterday doubled the reasons you need to be there. I was originally in just one of her numbers, see, but one of her other go-go boys didn't show up for the big tech rehearsal yesterday so she asked me if I could take his place. Does the pope shit on the people? Of course I'll suddenly be in TWO big fierce dance numbers behind a big fabulous drag queen! It's all so Peggy Sawyer I could just die.
The show is the annual fund-raiser for the Chicago Spirit Brigade, a spectacular amateur cheer squad that performs all over the city—including mile 21 of the Chicago Marathon, where they are my personal heroes even though they have yet to volunteer to run me in for the last five miles—and gives 100% of the money they raise at their appearances to organizations that provide direct services or care for people living with life-threatening challenges like AIDS, HIV and cancer. The fund-raiser next weekend—an over-the-top show featuring the not-always-about-cheering talents of the squad's members—is the only event where they raise money specifically to cover their own expenses like travel, uniforms, equipment, marketing and insurance. So it's important that you cough up your money and come see it.
And the fund-raiser promises to be fabulous. I was originally just dancing in a lab coat and ... um ... rubber fetish gear (hi, Mom!) to a starlet-with-plastic-surgery-themed mix of the songs (and here's the part where I talk about pop music as though I'm hip enough to have heard of these songs before I was in this show) "Disturbia" by Rihanna and "Keeps Gettin' Better" by Christina Aguilera. But now I'm also in the big opening number! It's some hip-hoppy (I think that's the word the kids are using these days) song I've actually heard before, but I just learned the choreography yesterday and I can't be expected to remember song titles too. The costume is a little tamer: baggy cargo pants and a colorful tank top (you can start breathing again, Mom), and the choreography is fierce. And I was going to make a self-deprecating remark about the age-inappropriateness of me dancing to hip-hop, but I just realized the other go-go boy in the number is over 40 as well. And there is nothing hotter than two hip-hoppy dancers less than a decade away from their first AARP mailing. Ow! My hip!
The show is called Big Bang 6 and it's gonna be at Circuit Nightclub, 3641 N. Halsted, this Saturday, January 24. The doors open at 8 and the show starts at 9—and now that I'm in the opening number, you can't be late. Tickets are $25 at the door but only $20 when you order in advance by following the order link here. Go! Order now!
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