I actually like the blue better than the purple that was on the logo file I sent to cafepress, but the color shift is still a weird thing to have happened. I'm glad our team name isn't something like The Purple People or Rhymes With Smurple or We Hate Blue So We Made Sure Our Logo Was Purple And Not Blue. But then again, who really hates blue? It's the color of the sky, some types of mold and even my matinée-idol eyes.
Speaking of, I'm wearing a blue shirt today. Well, blue-and-white plaid. And it's brand new. I went shopping over the weekend for swimwear and little toothpastes and gay-fabulous party costumes and other assorted must-haves for our upcoming cruise. But instead I kept stumbling on big (as in 80%-off big) sales on everyday stuff. And I came home with five new dress shirts, six new T-shirts and about 10 new pairs of gay-fancy underwear in reds and blues and grays. So I have a new shirt to wear every day this week! And every day next week! And a few more days into the week after that! It's a rainbow of uncharted sartorial opportunity! How
Of course, since our closets are about as big as a kitten sneeze, I had to do some purging over the weekend to make room for my new duds. And now our piano bench (the purgatory between our closet and the Brown Elephant) is filled to overflowing with ill-fitting embarrassments from County Seat and J. Riggins and other Mall-of-America-type places I haven't even been to in over 10 years. The purging also gave the clothes I actually wear some much-needed breathing room. Plus it freed up some hangers. Which is important when you insist that all your hangers match. Which I do. Because matching hangars are the hallmark of a civilized society. Especially when they're blue.
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