A lot, actually: Indirect lighting above and below the kitchen cabinets—on separate switches, no less—thanks to the combined handyman powers of my boyfriend and my ex-boyfriend. Also: two fancy new ceiling fans that provide gradient light and cooling breezes, three pair of foo-foo underpants, three new T-shirts, some cargo shorts, and a massive pile of birthday presents I need to either hide or wrap before the boyfriend comes home from his trip tomorrow.
And a new yellow AIDS Marathon hat that carries the same meaning and prestige of the yellow jersey from the Tour de France … assuming the jersey is given to everyone who reaches the $500 fundraising mark before the end of May. As of this writing, I'm at $695, which is nowhere near my $3,000 fundraising goal. But if you click on that big red icon to your right (ahem) I may get the matching handbag and shoes to complete my yellow-hat fundraising ensemble. In the mean time, you can see how distinguished the hat makes me look all by itself:

Here's my pace group before our run Saturday morning. Don't we look positively dewy and fresh at 6:30 am?

It was cold enough Saturday morning that we remained dewy and fresh through all six miles. At least as far as you can tell from a photo. I felt a little ripe by the time I got home to my artfully lit kitchen. But that's probably too much information, so I'll just leave you with the impression that we always look as wholesome and scrubbed as JC Penney athleticwear models even after running for an hour and a half on a dusty trail:

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