Wednesday, October 31, 2018


1. The pillows in our room are way too comfortable
2. My squirrel-molested hair
3. Erik is taller than I am so he keeps getting all the chicks
4. I bit the side of my tongue so hard and so shreddy four hours ago while eating super-spicy (OUCH), super-acidy-tomatoey (OUCH) pizza that I’m STILL discovering how extensive the damage is
5. There is not enough time in the day to adequately complain about how awful the pain and blood and taste and resulting speech impediment are
6. Steve King
7. I’ve been up so long today that I’m too tired to do the math to figure out how many hours it’s been plus adjust for the new time zone
8. Steve King
9. My tung hurch
10. The pillows in our room are way too comfortable

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