Sunday, May 06, 2018

Sponge! Bob!

My Big Broadway Birthday Binge Bash Blowout concludes with a FRONT! ROW! CENTER! (of the balcony!) SEAT! for SpongeBob Squarepants, starring my relentlessly adorable next husband, Ethan Slater:

My final musical also featured a classy, respectful pre-show-selfie photobomb from my arch-nemesis name twin who really truly has the same name as me, and after years and years of chatting on Facebook we finally just met. And I really truly like him:

And here's the view of the gorgeously rococo Palace Theater awash in watery SpongeBob lighting right behind me as I sit in my FRONT! ROW! CENTER! (of the balcony!) SEAT!:

#HowToTurn50 #AndMaybeSeeAMusical #OrFour

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