The place has freakishly high ceilings, which we've managed to play with in fun ways in many rooms: dramatic vertical stripes in the master bedroom, oversized moulding frames in the dining room, giant mirrors in the guest bathroom, full-size wall paintings of the Seven Stages of Cher in the kitchen.
When we first moved in, we painted the guest bedroom a rich, deep purple with the intention of stenciling a craftsman-style border in creams and blues and silvers along the tops of the walls. But we couldn't find a stencil we liked and we eventually stopped looking.
Until now! I did some googling last night and I actually found five borders ... five borders we both like. And finding home decor that appeals to both of us on a two-italics level is an accomplishment of epic proportions.
Unfortunately, we can't decide. So I'm leaving it to you people. Because if you can't trust the home-decorating opinions of complete strangers, what is the point of having a blog? So take a look at these options, taking care to picture them dancing across the tops of rich, deep purple walls in shades of creams and blues and silvers. And let me know what you think. Or—if you want to slow down our decision-making even further–feel free to recommend other stencils you think might appeal to us. And thanks for your input!

Dard Hunter Rose:

Como Run:

Deco Swag:

Napping Gnome:

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