BUT! I do have a few pix from my 18-mile run last weekend with Matthew and Peter. We were supposed to do eight one-mile sprints with our training group, but we were concerned we were low on our high-mileage runs so instead we ran 18 miles by ourselves.
Here we are all fresh and happy at 6:30 on a perfect Saturday morning:

We were (or, more specifically, I was) still smiling at our first walk break. We train at a 6:1 pace, alternating six minutes of running and one minute of walking. It supposedly helps our bodies learn to manage the break-down-and-recover cycle more efficiently. On long painful runs, it also gives us something to look forward to. Like the Biden-Palen debates.

Sunrise over the lake. One of the billion reasons I love Chicago:

The Bridge to ... well ... somewhere. The North Avenue Bridge carries the lakefront trail over Lake Shore Drive. After a few rusty summers, it was refurbished this spring and now it looks pretty spectacular. But damn is it steep:

While we had a beautiful cool morning to run, it did get kind of warm toward the end. I was wearing a dry-fit shirt, the kind runners swear by for wicking sweat away from your body and keeping you cool and unchafed. I beg to differ. While the shirts are great on cool days, the minute it gets warm out they seem to trap heat next to my body and rub my nipples raw. So when the temperature shot up, my shirt came off and everyone had to see me running in my training bra:

We finished with a pretty great time. And then we gorged ourselves on brunch. But not before posing for the paparazzi one more time:

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