Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Decorah peeps! Norwegian peeps! Fest-going peeps!

I'll be running the Elveløpet 15K this Saturday morning to kick off my years-overdue return to the fjordoriffic Nordic Fest, and I'd love to run with you if you're running it as well or just to hang out with you at the fest and fatten ourselves with delicious, nutritious rømmegrøt. More importantly, LOOK! AT! THE! COOL! RACE! SHIRTS! Most races have ugly-ass shirts that look like they barely survived an explosion at a clip-art factory. But these shirts røck! I'll be prøudly weåring mine åll dåy Såturdåy ås I enjøy the fest with my møm. Yøu shøuld jøin us!

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