It was taken before we boarded the ship in our matching C-MEN T-shirts. We were C-MEN, see, because we come from a city that starts with C (in my case, Cedar Rapids) and not because we were all from our mother’s wombs untimely ripp’d.
Here’s a closeup of the logo, which was designed by one of the guys in our traveling party and which is for some reason rendering on my screen in only cyan and yellow:

Unfortunately, not all of us made it to the check-in at the same time, so we never got a picture of our complete pile of C-MEN. Somehow, though, I think we all managed to have a good time on the cruise without it.
I, owner of a crappy camera, never took said camera out of its cheap travel bag the whole trip. But my friends who took pictures of everything they could find have promised to get me copies of their pictures, the most flattering of which I promise to post here for your viewing pleasure.
Until then, lay on Macduff!
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