I love this picture. It was taken mere hours after RDG and I had met. We were introduced at a pre-Gay Games closing ceremonies brunch. The sparks were copious and syrupy and nauseatingly obvious to everyone in the room. Within the first few minutes we’d bonded forever over our passion for Sondheim. And the way he laughed at every joke I told. Even the funny ones. I’ve had instant crushes before, but not like this. His reciprocal crush was just as strong—and even more obvious than mine.
We decided to walk to the closing ceremonies together—which was at least two miles, but we were in that giggly, heady, just-met-and-can’t-bear-to-leave-each-other place, so we welcomed the time away from all those prying brunch eyes. Plus, we had a lot of Sondheim stuff to discuss.
RDG had competed in the Gay Games, so he went to sit with the athletes. I sat with my brunch friends, and as soon as I got seated I texted him a Sondheim lyric. Smart boy that he is, he texted a Sondheim lyric right back. And before I knew it, he’d come through the massive crowd to find us. And to sit with me.
I tried to play it cool as we sat next to each other for the next couple hours, giggling and smiling and stealing glances like drunken schoolgirls with Fresca in their panties. But I needed to make sure he knew I was interested, so eventually I did the arm-around-the-back-of-the-chair-so-I-could-lean-in-and-hear-better fakeout move.
I don’t think he was faked out. And neither were our friends behind us. Jim, who looks better in a dress than most of the Golden Girls (hi, Jim!), snapped this picture to record
And now you, dear readers, can finally picture what we look like on every romantic date we go on.
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