Come for the commandments—stay for the plagues! We’ve taken the story of Moses, thrown in some Monty Python, added a touch of Gilbert and Sullivan, wrapped it all in the pageantry of Les Misérables and created an original musical you’re going to love for 40 years.
And it has something for everyone: epic drama, shirtless men, stories of oppression and redemption, and songs with titles like “A Bad Day to be the First Born.” All our shows are awesome, but this one is mega-awesome, with kick-ass music and a book that's full of some really funny shit. Seriously.
I'm co-choreographing the show, a job that has gotten so demanding that I actually won't be performing in it this time— though I'll be adding extra vocal oomph from the orchestra pit, and I may join in an occasional crowd-of-shirtless-Hebrews-running-across-the-stage scene. If only to justify all the extra time I've spent in the gym (and all the extra denial I've spent in front of the doughnuts) since January.
So get your tickets now—and make sure everything's coming up Moses for you this spring.
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