Thursday, November 01, 2007

Movin' movin' movin' right to the top!

This is probably going to hurt.

I just registered for Hustle up the Hancock, a race up 94 flights of stairs to raise money for the Respiratory Health Association of Metropolitan Chicago. And it sounds like fun. I think.

I mean, seriously. How hard can it be?

I even committed to be a team captain, so I've dragged my friends Yuri and Catherine into the challenge with me. Best of all, the team name Social Climbers hadn't been taken yet. I know! Can you believe it?

So between now and February 24 (the morning of the Oscars), I'll be taking the stairs instead of the elevator in the name of training. And my quads should look awesome when I get up on the stage to accept my awards from Jon Stewart that night.

And since you-all were so generous in helping me raise $3,001 for the AIDS Marathon, I'm hoping you can help my team raise a mere $1,200 for the Respiratory Health Association of Metropolitan Chicago (formerly the American Lung Association), which works to fight lung diseases including cancer, asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and other medical consequences of smoking and pollution.

It's easy to sponsor us! Just click HERE

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